Amelia was a great model this weekend. I asked her to pretend like she's praying and pretty soon she's having a heavenly conversation. This was a fun shoot to do. Amelia enjoyed it too and was excited to run up to the camera to view the result each time the shutter fired. These are two of my favorites from the shoot.
I was recently asked to photograph the Utah Highway Patrol's Public Information and Education section for a project they are working on. This shoot was a lot of fun because I was able to ride around town in some pretty nice cars. Here's a couple from the first session:Following the first shoot: "Then...", a second one was scheduled: "...and Now". Here's a couple fun outtakes from the group:
I recently purchased a new lens; when it arrived I was so busy with work I couldn't go home early to take a look at it and try it out. I had two work meetings downtown near each other, and in between the two was 20 minutes to spare. The new toy sat in the shipping box for almost a week before I was able to open it. But this morning was different: I opened the lens and threw it in my camera bag and left for work. After the first meeting I headed over to Liberty Park and while taking a lunch break, attached the new lens and fired a few test shots.
Above is my favorite from the set, 300 mm, f/5.6. I also want to mention today is the second shoot with the Utah Highway Patrol. The first went really well. Images will be posted soon.